Hedado logo

Be generous and savvy

How Hedado can help
Raise or match with ease.
All you need to get going...
Raise for multiple nonprofits at once
Brand your page
Campaign admin dashboard
Auto notify donors when matched
No platform fees on transactions
Match up to $1,000
Rally a community.
Free, with consultation
Everything from Basic plus...
Unlimited matching amounts
Export the data from your campaign
Get highlighted to the Hedado community
Expert support in choosing nonprofits
Corporate matching made easy.
Everything from Benefactor plus...
Domain specific campaigns
User specific campaigns
Unlimited admins on campaigns
Match donations from outside Hedado
Host campaigns on your website
Coming Soon
HRIS Integrations
Coming Soon

Create campaigns that support multiple nonprofits and share it in mintues.

NonprofitsAny, UnlimitedAny, UnlimitedAny, Unlimited
PriceFreeFree, with consultationCustom
Matchup to $1,000UnlimitedUnlimited
Customize Campaign

Brand your pageYesYesYes
Highlight nonprofitsYesYesYes
Custom URLYesYesYes
Progress trackerYesYesYes
Show where others giveYes
Manage Campaign

Campaign admin dashboardYesYesYes
Edit my campaignYesYesYes
Review donationsYesYesYes
Number of admins13Unlimited
Export to CSVYesYes
Match Donors

Match any %YesYesYes
Set custom matching rules (limits, dates, etc)YesYesYes
Complete matches in a single transactionYesYesYes
Notify donors when matchedYesYesYes
Restrict to specific groupsBy domain and/or by user
Match donations outside of HedadoYes
Grow Awareness

Share externallyYesYesYes
Get highlighted within HedadoYesYes
Reduce Cost

Platform FeesNoneNoneNone
Credit card processing2.2% + $0.302.2% + $0.302.2% + $0.30
ACH transactions0.8% capped at $50.8% capped at $50.8% capped at $5